from tamenglong to home

tamenglong is a name of a district in manipur

A road called Ding Dong
Leads me to my home
From a place called Tamenglong

A road, somewhere up somewhere down
With the smell of the dusty green leaves
Along the range of mountains

A woodcutter's girl sits on the rock
Beside the ding dong road
Singing song like pop rock
She waves goodbye
Rub the watery nose, again cry

I long for my home
but the road never ends
The further i look away
The further I'm away from home

It's a real ding dong
If you take a bus ride along
The road called ding dong
But it will lead me to home

The road takes me, sometimes to cloud
Sometimes down to earth
The screaming wheels like country songs
Like I'm at the farthest end of the country
Which I never own.

It's a real ding dong
Even for the dogs on the roads
Sniffing the bloodiest meat
But they too scared for the Bones
Like once the dogs forgot to bark

It's a real ding dong.
If you take a bus ride along
The road called ding dong
From the place called Tamenglong
But you'll reach home safe
If you think you own this land


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