Consider me as Bengal Tiger

Consider me as Bengal tiger
Save me
Im going to extinct
you dont have to feed me meat
I can survive on mustard or cabbage

consider me as bengal tiger
cage me
the freedom you give me
brings nothing but blood, sweat and death
I have shivered in summer
I have sweated in winter

Consider me as bengal tiger
I wont sing or read anything
I wont even roar
I have lost my voice in the streets of Imphal
when they stuffed my mouth
with the barrels of their guns

Consider me as bengal tiger
my lover is gone far away
find me a female as bengal tiger
i want to copulate
let the race of bengal tiger be increased

consider me as bengal tiger
when i lay in the lazy winter sun
after my free meal, reading newspaper
yawning over the pictures
of Primi Minister and MLAs
and sexy foolish half nude mindless models

consider me as bengal tiger
I will give up poetry to be a bengal tiger
I always wanted to be naked
and to see others in naked
thats why i write poetry

consider me as bengal tiger
let me doze off naked
showing off my balls
inside the cage snoring
with my tongue catching flies
dreaming of wild African jungles

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