Come come

The tooth brush is gone
and no more tooth paste
please come back

“one of the great joys in life
is to brush someone's hair”
please come back

two unwashed black panties
and a pink short boxer
please come back

the silver ring misses the thumbs
Gorky cries to be back with Tom Joad
Please come back

drunk or not
winner or loser
please come back

sex, spears
or Shakespeare, i dont care
please come back.

I have taken bath with rose water
soften and sweeten my lips with honey
please come back

curly or wavy or straight or coffee or tea
next to him or next to love, dont care
Please come back

i have got a brand new hindu god
on my walls with dates of this year
please come back

No more poetry or protest
no more songs only your thongs
please come back

“30,000 Brus who had fled to tripura
during 1997 violence are now on their way back to mizoram”
please come back

About the sticky stuffs of hills
shhhhhhh! whisper as secret
Please come back

Free sweet tea are being served
in disposable glasses tagged with “Free Binayak Sen”
please come back

you dont see it, it is raining
please stand inside my shoes
please come back

my tear, a drop of water on sand dust,
my fear, you would say so
please come back

At Jantar Mantar
I was summer in this winter without you
please come back

before they make a statue of me
for this endless wait like that of Hachiko's
Please come back

the borrowed warm air blower
blew out warm poetry on my cold thighs
please come back

A brand new sewing machine has arrived,
It wants to stitch you a colorful petticoat,
please come back

Thom Yorke in my woofer woofing;
“i dont wanna be your freind, just wanna be your lover”
please come back

those piles of clothes in the shop near my place
they miss your touch and smile
Please come back

Sweet mango shaped breasted ladies all around
but no heart underneath the breasts
please come back

Prostitution is a good business
come my penis is on sale
please come back

The armies have gone
deserting the cemetery for lovers
please come back

Im better than Prodigy
i sing of you your land your beauty
please come back

James franco failed to be Ginsberg
but i can ..see “Go fuck your self with America or Siberia”
please come back
the pianist don't own a grand piano
just like i dont own a gun to dream of death
please come back

Im a dancing black swan
from Africa from Hollywood from Imphal
please come back

you don't need me like anyone else
but today is my day
please come back

today is my day my day my day
Lets march in the streets like peasants on May day
please come back

keep me in your prison
feed me your attrocities
please come back

the portugese singer sings my heart beats
unknown to me in portugese
please come back

Even Elvis meets Walt Whitman
Even Einstein meets Ibopishak
Please come back

Nivedita Menon wants me to sing
standing upon the hairy chest of Nehru
Please come back

bought a family pack tooth paste
along with a free tooth brush
please come back

Yoko writes no Haiku
She knitted Peace with her toes on Lennon's pelvic gardle
please come back

the painter is fucking fine and great
his girl friend is a flower
please come back

the sky refuses to be in my pocket notepad
it underestimates the small blankness of the page
please come back.
“$ kirikou is tiny but mighty $”
Kirikou Kirikou, give me back Kabara
please come back
rhyme my body my name my life with yours

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